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This site is listed as a 5 Star Shining Force Site in the Shining Force Central directory
If you have a Shining Force website and wish to be linked on this page, email Coxy or Athrades with your site's URL.
Links to other Shining Force III and Shining Force sites
  Shining Force Central
The ultimate Shining Force site - has tons of info on all Shining games and has a great message board.
Shining Force III Headquarters
A great Shining Force III site with lots of features and things to read.
Shining Force III Knowledge Base
A very complete guide to Shining Force III Scenario 1, the site also has a goodies sections with various things for downloading.
Republic of Aspinia Translation Homepage
The home of the online scenario 2 translation.
Julian's RPG World
This site is dedicated in particular to Shining Force III but also details other Sega RPGs.
Shining Force World
Home to a variety of Shining Force material and media.
Links to Japanese Shining Force III sites
These sites are all in Japanese, although a couple have small english sections. You will need a Japanese font installed on your computer to view the pages properly, however even without this you can still look at the nice art on these pages. Art from these sites are the property of the site owners, so it must not be taken from the site or otherwise reproduced without the owners' permission.

A personal favourite Shining Force III fanart site.
Camelot's Shining Force III Page
Shining Force III, straight from the creators.
Little Happy
Another great Shining Force III fanart page.
Another favourite fanart page.
More Shining Force III fanart.
Shining Force III Database
Has the game scripts online, but in Japanese.
Urban Landscape
Another fanart page, but this one has animated gifs too.
Yogurt WebRing
A webring of various Japanese Shining pages.
Shining Fancy
Another cool fanart page.
Shining House
Site of Shining Force fanartist Q.Game
HQ's Web
Site of Shining Force Character Designer Half Quarter
  Website best viewed in Internet Explorer with a screen resolution of 800x600 pixels or higher | e-mail: shinsachiel@jumesyn.com